Data Strategy and Analysis

Customer Experience and Customer Support
Operations, Planning, Processes and Systems 
Training, Building and Advising

About me

I am an expert in data strategy and analytics for business. I focus on customer support management and experience.

After working in charity taxation, I have worked in generalised business intelligence and then specifically in Zendesk Explore. I have worked with businesses in finance, retail, travel, gambling... and many others.

I am experienced in working with business users. With my help, you can develop a strategy for your reporting, get trained, and get reports built, without necessarily having to involve your IT team or a database manager. 

I have always been niche. I don't read off a script, or use a checklist - I want to understand you, and what you do, and how you do it. That means I have the context to ensure I give you the best advice.

I ask a lot of questions.

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Logo by Laurie Bousquet. Photos and artwork

 by Philippa Booth.


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